
Ning GE, Ph.D. Professor

Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

Tel: +86-10-62771118

Fax: +86-10-62770317


Education background

Ph.D., Electronic Engineering, July. 1997

Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Bachelor of Engineering, Electrical Engineering, June 1993

Tsinghua University, Beijing, China


01/2008-present Professor, Dept. of Electronic Engineering,

Tsinghua Univ.

06/2000-12/2008 Associate Professor, Dept. of Electronic Engineering,

Tsinghua Univ.

09/1998-01/2000 Senior Engineer, ADC Telecommunications Ltd.,

Dallas, USA

Concurrent Academic


Communication System Simulation and SOC Design (2006~2010)

Structural IC Design (2006-2009)

Social service


Member, IEEE

Senior Member, Chinese Institute of Electronics, Communication Institute

Member, Chinese Institute of Communication, Communication ASIC Committee

Member, Chinese Institute of Electronics, Youth Work Committee

Chief Scientist, Tsinghua Huahuan Corporation

Areas of Research Interests/ Research Projects

Short range wireless communication

Communication ASIC design

Wireless communications

Information Theory

Research Status

Major National Science and Technology Project, “R&D and Application Demonstration of Carrier Wave UWB High-Speed Wireless Communication Chip”, Jan.2009-Dec.2010, Principle Investigator

The objective of the project is to propose a solution for carrier wave UWB wireless communication system and its industrialization, develop the low-power consumption and low cost UWB chipset.

National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (National 863 Project), “SOC Design and Networking Trial of UWB”, Jul.2007-Nov.2009, Principle Investigator

National Major Foundation Research and Development Program of China (National 973 Project), “Trial System of Multi-doamin Collaboration Broadband Multi-user Wireless Communication”, Jul.2007-Dec.2008, Major member

Tsinghua University International Science and Technology Cooperation Project, “Fusion Research of Tsinghua-SONY UWB System”, Sep.2009-Sep.2010, Principle Investigator

National Natural Science Foundation of China Key Project (NSFC Project), “Research of Spread-Dimension Communication Theory”, Jan.2010-Dec.2012, Principle Investigator

National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (National 863 Project), “UWB WBAN Application Demonstration”, Jan.2009-Dec.2010, Major member

JointResearch Fund for Overseas National Natural Science Foundation of China, “System Design and Performance Research of UWB Communication”, Jan.2010-Dec.2011, Principle Investigator

Honors And Awards

Progress Award of Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, 1994

Academic Achievement

[1] Ning Ge, Cong Chen, “A Frequency Stabilization Circuit for The Voltage Controlled Ring Oscillator,” ASICON 2007,Guilin, China, October 26-29, 2007 (EI: 083211440644)

[2] Ning Ge, Yuyu Liu, Huazhong Yang, Hui Wang, “Sigma-delta Based Clock Recovery Using On-chip PLL in FPGA”, IEEE 2006 Conference on FPT, Bangkok, Thailand, Dec 13-15, 2006, p.135-140

[3] Yun Pan*, Ning Ge, Zaiwang Dong, “CRC Look-up Table Optimization for Single-Bit Error Correction” Tsinghua Science and Technology. Oct. 2007, Vol.12, No.5 pp.620-623)

[4] Yun Pan*, Ning Ge, Zaiwang Dong, “Unfolded Frequency Response and Model of a Multi-Tap Direct Sampling Mixer,” Tsinghua Science and Technology. Dec. 2008, Vol.13, No.6 pp.790-795

[5] Yuyu Liu*, Ning Ge, Huazhong Yang, Hui Wang , “A Novel Clock and Data Recovery Technique Based on Sigma-delta Phase Quantization,” Chinese Journal of Electronics. Apr.2007, Vol.16, No.2, p347-351

[6] Hongwei Kong*, Ning Ge, Fang Ruan, Chongxi Feng , “A Scalable Fair Edge-to-Edge Congestion Control Algorithm with Explicit Rate Allocation” IEICE Transaction on Communication. Aug 2003, Vol.E86-B, No.8 pp.2488-2503

[7] Hongwei Kong*, Ning Ge, Fang Ruan, Chongxi Feng , “A Nonlinear Model on the AQM algorithm GREEN” IEICE Transaction on Communication special issues on Internet Technology III. Feb 2003, Vol.E86-B, No.2 pp.622-629

[8] Wang Tao*, Ge Ning and Feng Chongxi , “An Innovative Algorithm to Implement Flow Control in Full Duplex Ethernet” Chinese Journal of Electronics. Jan. 2003 Vol.12, No.1, p11-14

[9] Hongwei Kong*, Ning Ge, Fang Ruan, Chongxi Feng , “A Congestion-point Oriented Congestion Control Algorithm for Resilient Packet Ring” Chinese Journal of Electronics. Jan.2003, Vol.12, No.1, p1-5