Yuantao Gu, Professor

Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

Tel: +86-10-62783525

Fax: +86-10-62770317

E-mail: gyt(at)


Education background

Ph.D., Electronic Engineering, July 2003, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

B.E., Electronic Engineering, July 1998, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China


Visiting Scientist (Aug. 2012-Aug.2013):

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT),

Cambridge, MA, USA

Associate Professor, Professor (Dec. 2006-present):

Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University,

Beijing, China

Lecturer (Aug. 2003-Dec. 2006):

Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University,

Beijing, China

Concurrent Academic

Teaching Courses:

2006-2012, 2014-present: Signals and Systems

2005-present: Advanced MATLAB Programming and Its Applications

2005-2008: Introduction to Mathematics and Signal Processing

Social service

2015-present, Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing

2015-present, Handling Editor for EURASIP Digital Signal Processing

Areas of Research Interests/ Research Projects

Signal processing, wireless communications, and information networks

Honors And Awards

Teaching Excellence Award to Young Teachers, Tsinghua University, 2010

Teaching Achievement Award for First Prize, Tsinghua University, 2008

Best Ph.D. Thesis Award, Tsinghua University, 2003

Academic Achievement

[1] Y. Gu, Signals and Systems -- Exercises and Solutions (in Chinese), Higher Education Press, Beijing, China, Aug. 2011.

[2] Y. Gu, Q. Ying, J. Zheng, Signals and Systems -- Practicing with MATLAB (in Chinese), Higher Education Press, Beijing, China, Jan. 2008.

[3] X. Wang, P. Liu, and Y. Gu, Local-set-based Graph Signal Reconstruction, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, available at

[4] X. Wang, M. Wang, and Y. Gu, A Distributed Tracking Algorithm for Reconstruction of Graph Signals, to appear in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics on Signal Processing, available at

[5] X. Shen and Y. Gu, Restricted Isometry Property of Subspace Projection Matrix Under Random Compression, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 22(9):1326-1330, 2015.

[6] L. Chen and Y. Gu, The Convergence Guarantees of a Non-convex Approach for Sparse Recovery, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 62(15):3754-3767, 2014.

[7] J. Zhu, X. Wang, X. Lin, and Y. Gu, Maximum Likelihood Estimation from Sign Measurements with Sensing Matrix Perturbation, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 62(15):3741-3753, 2014.

[8] Y. Tang, L. Chen, and Y. Gu, On the Performance Bound of Sparse Estimation With Sensing Matrix Perturbation, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 61(17):4372-4386, 2013.

[9] L. Chen and Y. Gu, Oracle-Order Recovery Performance of Greedy Pursuits With Replacement Against General Perturbations, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 61(18):4625-4636, 2013.

[10] X. Wang, Z. Chen, P. Liu, and Y. Gu, Edge Balance Ratio: Power Law from Vertices to Edges in Directed Complex Networks, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 7(2):184-194, 2013.

[11] J. Jin, Q. Qu, and Y. Gu, A Robust Zero-point Attraction LMS Algorithm on Near Sparse System Identification, accepted for publication at IET Signal Processing, 2013.

[12] J. Ding, L. Chen, and Y. Gu, Perturbation Analysis of Orthogonal Matching Pursuit, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 61(2):398-410, 2013.

[13] X. Wang, Y. Gu, and L. Chen, Proof of Convergence and Performance Analysis for Zero-point Attracting Projection Algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 60(8): 4081-4093, 2012.

[14] G. Su, J. Jin, Y. Gu, and J. Wang, Performance Analysis of l0 Norm Constraint Least Mean Square Algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 60(5): 2223-2235, 2012.

[15] Y. You, L. Chen, Y. Gu, W. Feng, and H. Dai, Retrieval of Sparse Solutions of Multiple-Measurement Vectors via Zero-point Attracting Projection, Signal Processing, 92(12): 3075-3079, 2012.

[16] H. Liu and Y. Gu, TCP with Hop-Oriented Network Coding in Multi-Radio Multi-Channel Wireless Mesh Networks, IET Networks, 1(3):171-180, 2012.

[17] Y. You, J. Jin, W. Duan, N. Liu, Y. Gu, and J. Yang, Zero-point attracting projection algorithm for sequential compressive sensing, IEICE Electronics Express, 9(4):314-319, 2012.

[18] H. Liu and Y. Gu, Incorporating Network Coding into TCP Grounded on Network Utility Maximization in Multi-Radio Multi-Channel Wireless Mesh Networks. China Communications, 2012, 9(6):28-35.

[19] H. Liu, J. Chen, S. Song, and Y. Gu, Performance Enhancement and Utility Maximization for TCP in Wireless Mesh Networks. China Communications, 2012, 9(4):35-44.

[20] H. Nan, Y. Gu, and H. Zhang, Optical Analog-to-Digital Conversion System based on Compressive Sampling, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 23(2):67-69, 2011.

[21] J. Jin, Y. Gu, and S. Mei, A stochastic gradient approach on compressive sensing signal reconstruction based on adaptive filtering framework, IEEE Journal of Selected topics in Signal Processing, 4(2):409-420, 2010.

[22] Y. Gu, J. Jin, and S. Mei, l0 Norm Constraint LMS for Sparse System Identification, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 16(9):774-777, 2009.

[23] Y. Gu, Y. Chen, Z. Jiang, and K. Tang, Particle filter based multi-camera integration for face 3D-pose tracking, International Journal of Wavelets Multiresolution and Information Processing, 2006, 4(4):677-690.

[24] Y. Gu, K. Tang, and H. Cui, LMS algorithm with gradient descent filter length. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 11(3): 305-307, 2004.

[25] Y. Gu, K. Tang, and H. Cui, Superior step-size theorem and its application - Parallel variable step-size LMS filters algorithm, Science in China Series F-Information Sciences, 47(2):151-160, 2004.

[26] Y. Gu, K. Tang, H. Cui, and W. Du, Convergence analysis of deficient-length LMS filter and optimal length sequence to model exponential decay impulse response. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 10(1):4-7, 2003.

[27] Y. Gu, K. Tang, H. Cui, and W. Du, Optimal variable step-size LMS model and algorithm with independence assumption, Science in China Series F-Information Sciences, 46(6):409-419, 2003.

[28] Y. Gu, K. Tang, H. Cui, and W. Du, Modifier formula on mean square convergence of LMS algorithm. IEE Electronics Letters, 38(19):1147-1148, 2002.