Journal Papers:
[1] Jin Li, Bing Xiong, Changzheng Sun, Di Miao, and Yi Luo, "Analysis of frequency response of high power MUTC photodiodes based on photocurrent-dependent equivalent circuit model," Opt. Express 23, 21615-21623 (2015)
[2] Li Jin, Xiong Bing, Sun Chang-Zheng, Luo Yi, Wang Jian, Hao Zhi-Biao, Han Yan-Jun, Wang Lai, Li Hong-Tao, “Bandwidth improvement of high power uni-traveling-carrier photodiodes by reducing the series resistance and capacitance”, Chinese Physics B, 24, 078503, 2015
[3] Dong Liu, Changzheng Sun, Bing Xiong, Yi Luo, “Nonlinear dynamics in integrated coupled DFB lasers with ultra-short delay”, Optics express, 22, 5, 5614-5622, 2014
[4] X Zhao, B Xiong, C Sun, Y Luo, “Low drive voltage optical phase modulator with novel InGaAlAs/InAlAs multiple-quantum-barrier based nin heterostructure”, Optics express 21 (21), 24894-24903, 2013
[5] T Shi, B Xiong, C Sun, Y Luo, “Back-to-back UTC-PDs with high responsivity, high saturation current and wide bandwidth”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 25 (2), 136-139, 2013
[6] Dong Liu, Changzheng Sun, Bing Xiong, Yi Luo, “Suppression of chaos in integrated twin DFB lasers for millimeter-wave generation”, Optics express, 21(2), 2444-2451, 2013
[7] Yue Ai-Wen, Wang Ren-Fan, Xiong Bing, Shi Jing, “Fabrication of a 10 Gb/s InGaAs/InP Avalanche Photodiode with an AlGaInAs/InP Distributed Bragg Reflector”, Chinese Physics Letters, 30, 038501, 2013
[8] T Shi, B Xiong, C Sun, Y Luo, “Study on the saturation characteristics of high-speed uni-traveling-carrier photodiodes based on field screening analysis”, Chinese Optics Letters 9 (8), 082302-082302, 2011
[9] 袁贺,孙长征,徐建明,武庆,熊兵,罗毅, “基于等离子体增强化学气相沉积技术的光电子器件多层抗反膜的设计和制作”,物理学报,第59卷、7239-7244页,2010
[10] J Huang, C Sun, B Xiong, Y Luo, “Y-branch integrated dual wavelength laser diode for microwave generation by sideband injection locking”, 17 (23), 20727-20734,2009
[11] B. Xiong, J. Xu, C. Sun, J. Wang, Y. Luo, “High Speed Electro-Absorption Modulators for Digital and Analog Optical Fiber Communications,” CHINA COMMUNICATIONS, vol.6, no.3, pp. 110-114, 2009.(in English)
[12] C Sun, B Xiong, J Wang, P Cai, J Xu, Q Zhou, Y Luo, “Influence of residual facet reflection on the eye-diagram performance of high-speed electroabsorption modulated lasers”, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 27 (15), 2970-2976, 2009.
[13] C. Z. Sun, B. Xiong, J. Wang, P. F. Cai, J. M. Xu, J. Huang, H. Yuan, Q. W. Zhou, and Y. Luo, "Fabrication and packaging of 40-Gb/s AlGaInAs multiple-quantum-well electroabsorption modulated lasers based on identical epitaxial layer scheme," Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 26, pp. 1464-1471, 2008.
[14] B. Xiong, C. Sun, and Y. LUO, "Optimization of Multiple Quantum Well Electroabsorption Modulators Based on Transmission Performance Simulation," Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1 Regular Papers, Brief Communications, Review Papers, vol. 46, no. 6A, pp. 3420-3423, 2007.
[15] Y. Luo, B. Xiong, J. Wang, P. F. Cai, and C. Z. Sun, "40GHz AlGaInAs multiple-quantum-well integrated electroabsorption modulator/distributed feedback laser based on identical epitaxial layer scheme," Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 2-Letters & Express Letters, vol. 45, pp. L1071-L1073, 2006.
[16] J. Wang, B. Xiong, P. F. Cai, J. B. Tian, C. Z. Sun, and Y. Luo, "Novel planar electrode structure for high-speed (> 40 GHz) electroabsorption modulators," Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 2-Letters & Express Letters, vol. 45, no. 42-45, pp. L1209-L1211, 2006.
[17] B. Xiong, J. B. Tian, J. Wang, P. F. Cai, C. Z. Sun, and Y. Luo, "High-speed coplanar waveguide based submount for 40 Gbit/s electroabsorption modulator," International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, vol. 26, no. 10, pp. 1491-1500, 2005.
[18] B. Xiong, J. Wang, P. F. Cai, J. B. Tian, C. Z. Sun, and Y. Luo, "Novel low-cost wideband Si-based submount for 40 Gb/s optoelectronic devices," Microwave And Optical Technology Letters, vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 90-93, 2005.
[19] B. Xiong, J. Wang, L. J. Zhang, J. B. Tian, C. Z. Sun, and Y. Luo, "High-speed (> 40 GHz) integrated electroabsorption modulator based on identical epitaxial layer approach," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 327-329, 2005.