Associate Professor
Wei ZHANG, Ph.D. Associate Professor

Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

Tel: +86-10-62797073

Fax: +86-10-62770317



Education background


Doctor of Electronic Science and Technology


Master of Electronic Science and Technology


Bachelor of Optoelectronics



Associate Professor (1/07 – present)

Assistant Professor (8/03-1/07)

Concurrent Academic

GraduateAdvanced Electrodynamics ( ~50 students in Fall 2009; ~50 students in Fall 2008)

Fundamentals of photonic crystals and microcavities (~10 students in Spring 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010)

Areas of Research Interests/ Research Projects

Silicon nanowires and photonic crystals

Microstructure fibers and their applications

Devices for Quantum informat

Research Status

1. Abnormal stimulated Brillioun scattering in photonic crystal fibers and its application in Brillion fiber laser gyro. (1/08-12/10), supported by NSFC, PI

2. Key techniques of active and passive semiconductor photonic crystal devices for photonic integration. (1/07-12/10), supported by NSFC

3. Study on basic theories and characteristics of microstructure fibers. (1/04-1/08), supported by 973 program of China

4. Novel hollow core bandgap fiber based on Bragg reflection. (1/06-1/08), supported by NSF of Beijing

5. Raman amplification and its pump laser based on photonic crystal fibers. (1/04-1/05), supported by 863 program of China, PI

6. Highly nonlinear photonic crystal fibers. (1/04-1/05), supported by NSF of Beijing, PI

7. WDM ultra-long distance transmission technology. (1/03-1/04), supported by 863 program of China

Academic Achievement


[1] Wang, Y (Wang, Yin); Zhang, W (Zhang, Wei); Huang, YD (Huang, Yidong); Peng, JD (Peng, Jiangde) (2009). Stimulated Brillouin scattering slow light in high nonlinearity silica microstructure fiber, OPTICAL FIBER TECHNOLOGY, 15 (1): 1-4

[2] Zhang, ST (Zhang Si-Tuo); Zhang, W (Zhang Wei); Zhou, Q (Zhou Qiang); Huang, YD (Huang Yi-Dong); Peng, JD (Peng Jiang-De) (2009). Experimental Study on Preparation Efficiency of Microstructured-Fibre Based Heralded Single-Photon Source at 1.5 mu m, CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, 26 (3): Art. No. 034206

[3] Xiao, L (Xiao, Li); Zhang, W (Zhang, Wei); Huang, YD (Huang, Yidong); Peng, JD (Peng, Jiangde), (2009). Polarization entanglement purification using the temporal degree of freedom, PHYSICS LETTERS A, 372 (40): 6130-6133

[4] Lin, CX (Lin Chen-Xi); Zhang, W (Zhang Wei); Huang, YD (Huang Yi-Dong); Peng, JD (Peng Jiang-De) (2008). Design of broadband single fundamental mode hollow core bragg fibre, CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, 25 (2): 570-573

[5] Zhang, W (Zhang, Wei); Wang, Y (Wang, Yin); Pi, YY (Pi, Yanyan); Huang, YD (Huang, Yidong); Peng, JD (Peng, Jiangde) (2007). Influences of pump wavelength and environment temperature on the dual-peaked Brillouin property of a small-core microstructure fiber, OPTICS LETTERS, 32 (16): 2303-2305

[6] Zhang, W; Xiao, L; Zhang, L; Huang, YD; Peng, JD (2006). Microstructure-fibre-based optical parametric amplification in telecom band with ultra-high gain slope, CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, 23 (5): 1201-1203

[7] Zhang, W; Xiao, L; Peng, JD (2006) Matrix algorithms for dynamic gain-spectrum adjustment of backward-pumped distributed fiber Raman amplifier, JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY,24(3): 1581-1588

[8] Lin, CX (Lin, Chenxi); Zhang, W (Zhang, Wei); Huang, YD (Huang, Yidong); Peng, JD (Peng, Jiangde) (2007).Defect bragg fiber with low loss for broadband and zero dispersion slow light, JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, 25(12):3776-3783

[9] Xu, GY (Xu, Guangyu); Zhang, W (Zhang, Wei); Huang, YD (Huang, Yidong); Peng, JD (Peng, Jiangde) (2007). Loss characteristics of single-HE11-mode Bragg fiber, JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, 25 (1): 359-366

[10] Lin, CX (Lin, Chenxi); Zhang, W (Zhang, Wei); Huang, YD (Huang, Yidong); Peng, JD (Peng, Jiangde) (2007). Zero dispersion slow light with low leakage loss in defect Bragg fiber, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 90 (3): Art. No. 031109

[11] Zhang, W; Wang, Y; Peng, JD; Liu, XM (2004), Broadband high power continuous wave fiber Raman source and its applications, OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, 231 (1-6): 371-374

[12] Zhang, W; Feng, X; Peng, JD; Liu, XM (2004), A simple algorithm for gain spectrum adjustment of backward-pumped distributed fiber Raman amplifiers, IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 16 (1): 69-71

[13] Luo, Y; Zhang, W; Huang, YD; Zhao, LH; Peng, JD (2004). Wide-angle beam splitting by use of positive-negative refraction in photonic crystals. OPTICS LETTERS, 29 (24): 2920-2922

[14] Wang, Y; Zhang, W; Wang, Q; Feng, X; Liu, XM; Peng, JD (2004), Broadband source generated by stimulated Raman scattering and four-wave mixing in a highly nonlinear optical fiber ring cavity, OPTICS LETTERS, 29 (8): 842-844

SELECTED CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS[1] Zhou, Qiang; Zhang, Wei; Cheng, Jierong; Xiao, Li; Huang, Yidong; Peng, Jiangde (2008). 1.5m correlated photon pair generation in high nonlinear microstructure fibre, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 7134, 2008, Passive Components and Fiber-based Devices V

[2] Wang, Yin; Zhang, Wei; Pi, Yanyan; Huang, Yidong; Peng, Jiangde (2007). Influences of pump wavelength and environment temperature on the dual-peaked Brillouin property of the small core microstructure fiber, 2007 International Nano-Optelectronics Workshop, iNOW, p 242-243, 2007,

[3] Xiao, Li; Zhang, Wei; Huang, Yidong; Peng, Jiangde (2007). Measurement of polarization dependent dispersion of microstructure fiber, 2007 International Nano-Optelectronics Workshop, iNOW, p 228-229, 2007

[4] Yin, Wang; Wei, Zhang; Yidong, Huang; Jiangde, Peng, (2007). SBS slow light in high nonlinearity photonic crystal fiber, OFC/NFOEC 2007 - Optical Fiber Communication and the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference 2007,

[5] Zhang, W (Zhang, Wei); Wang, Y (Wang, Yan); Xiao, L (Xiao, Li); Peng, JD (Peng, Jiangde) (2006). Generation of broadband continuous-wave supercontinuum Raman lasing in a fiber ring cavity. Passive Components and Fiber-Based Devices III, Pts 1 and 2, 6351: U747-U755 Part 1-2 2006 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE)

[6] Xu, GY; Zhang, W; Huang, YD; Peng, JD (2006). Optical properties of solid core honeycomb photonic crystal fiber with different doping levels - art. no. 602505, ICO20: OPTICAL COMMUNICATION, 6025: 2505-2505 2006

[7] Lin, CX; Zhang, W; Huang, YD; Peng, JD (2006), Low-loss optical modes guided in Bragg fiber arrays - art. no. 60190R, Passive Components and Fiber-based Devices II, Pt 1 and 2, 6019: U229-U237 Part 1&2 2005 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE)

[8] Zhang, L; Zhang, W; Huang, YD; Peng, JD (2005). High nonlinearity holey fibers at wavelength of optical communication with triangular transverse structure and Ge doped core - art. no. 60191H,Passive Components and Fiber-based Devices II, Pt 1 and 2, 6019: U410-U417 Part 1&2 2005 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE)